Get your 15 minutes of fame here!

This week was allll about YouTube! Well, a little bit about unheard of Google Tools. But mostly about YouTube. 😜

I am a YouTube fiend!! I  stumbled upon YouTube years ago when I was putting together the most epic Halloween costume. See, Halloween is a big deal for me because my birthday falls the day after so I feel like I get two parties just for existing. Anyways back to my story. I was planning my Halloween costume of a pin up girl (I was in college BTW) and wanted to make sure I got my hair just right. After some research I found out that "victory rolls" were all the rage and a common hair style in the 40s and 50s. The next challenge was figuring out how to execute this elaborate hairstyle. That's where YouTube came in. I'm such a visual learner and YouTube helped me perfect my victory rolls and look absolutely the bees knees for Halloween.

Years later I'm still watching YouTube and even using it in my classroom. The capabilities to make videos is so easy now-a-days and the content that is available is incredible. I can watch videos on product reviews, how to paint a couch with chalk paint (yes, I did that), heck you guys watch YouTube videos on my blog.

As a teacher my favorite thing I utilize with YouTube is creating playlists. Its like creating file folders to save videos you find and like. Its just like a playlist you would make on music streaming site. As a drawing teacher its in my best interest to demonstrate drawing skills to students but crowding around a table and only getting to see a demo once is not ideal. On YouTube it's almost a guarantee that someone has a created a video of what I'm wanting to demo for my students. If not, I can make a video and upload it to YouTube.
Check out the playlist for my Drawing 1 students.

As a little project this week I created a YouTube tutorial on how to create YouTube playlists. INCEPTION! A YouTube about YouTube. Watch it and find out how to create a playlist (you also get to find out what I sound like, lucky you 😉).

I hope you found that video helpful if not check this one out that's a bit more professional. 

A few other tools I learned about connected to Google that I really enjoyed this week were, Hangout Meet and Google Arts + Culture.
Hangout Meet is a Google App that allows you to connect virtually with other people. So, if your wanting to conference call face to face with a co-worker that can't physically meet you that's where Hangout Meet can help. You can video conference with up to 100 people. Its also free and the interface is super user friendly. I think another great aspect about this app is that if your really into Google Suite products you can add a link into Google Calendar and click into the conference call from there. 
As a teacher I find this app to be appealing for Professional Learning Communities and even virtually meeting with other classes within my district or even across the world. 
Go here to check it out!

The second tool I mentioned was Google Arts + Culture. Its a website that can take you across the world in seconds. Want to know what you can see from the roof of the Taj Mahal? Go here!
This database, website, treasure trove of info is so exciting as a teacher. If I want to take my kids on a tour of the Louvre I can! So a diverse school with students who may not have much opportunity as others this tool is extremely useful to expose my students to so much the world has and broaden their perspective. 

Well enough gushing for now. Check out some of the links I've posted and keep exploring Google.
Talk to ya later!


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