Setting Limits and organizing your thoughts

Heeeey! Glad your back!
Are you ready for some more technology tips? Ready or not...

This week we are talking about Google Forms, Google Drive add-ons and apps, and Google Drawings. 

Now I know what your thinking. Umm Ms. Meile, we've already learned about Google Forms. And to that I say, "you are so right!" But, I want to refresh your knowledge and let you in on a little extra tip that could change. your. life. Well, at least make it better. 

Google Forms, we've probably taken one from an administrator or professional development presenter trying to get data on specific topic. As teachers that part of what we do. Data helps us to know what we are doing well and what we can work on. Google Forms can be a way to administer quick quizzes, paperless, and have them graded for you. Oh yes, re-read that and take a breath cuz I ain't lying. 
Now this may not be news to you and you may have even used this feature. Bravo! But did you know you can download an add-on that limits your quizzes. Huh? Form Limiter is an add-on (completely free, by the way) that allows to you limit your quizzes in two ways. You can set a limit of how many people take your quiz or form and how long that form is available. As a teacher who set due dates this is HUGE! Also it can help your data be more accurate. 
To download the add-on go to your Google Drive and act as if your starting a new form. Click the three dots next to your profile picture and click add-ons. From the there you can search "Form Limiter."

Watch this video below to figure out how to use Form Limiter. 

Next I want to talk about Google Drawings. Yes I know, I know we've talked a bit about Google Drawings in a past post but at that time I wasn't super impressed with it but have learned a great use for it! 
Google Drawings is a great app for creating your own graphic organizer. Have you ever Google searched for a specific graphic organizer and you can't find one that has everything your looking for? Well Google Drawings is your answer. It is extremely user friendly and really the perfect for this use. 
Check out my graphic organizer I made for art critiques here.

I got to make my graphic organizer any color I wanted (my school colors of course, GO EAGLES!). I also wanted to make sure to incorporate aspects that helped my students technically. Going forward I think I'll be using Google Drawings a bit more for my class room. Oh, did I also mention students can add to these electronically. Whoop Whoop!

I love this video on the basics of Google Drawing. 

Well I hope you learned a lot this week and feel a little bit motivated to explore Google Forms and the add-on, as well as Google Drawings. The more I explore the more I love Google and their suite products. Have a great week and stay safe!


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